Thursday 27 January 2011

2nd October 1881 - Morning

We now have a name for my unknown patient - Miss Victoria Smith*.

According to Holmes, Miss Smith settled into an even pace of breathing, heart rate and temperature during the night (about 4am) after periods of agitation. Miss Smith was in a similar condition when I woke though soon showed some signs of waking. As such, I arranged some beef tea and warm water for her to sip at being reluctant to over encumber her system. She woke at half nine and although extremely weak she was able to tell me her name. I also asked if she had anyone we could contact for her, someone who would be eager to hear that she was well. It was at this point her health started to deteriorate again, pulse rising, shortness of breath and increase of temperature. She answered that she is 'totally alone in this world' that there was no-one. During the night she had mentioned someone called Jamie, I asked her who he was and she went white as she had the previous night. Luckily, she was still laid up on the sofa, wrapped in blankets and shawls otherwise I fear she would have fell again. She said ' lost to me.' It is my belief that she has lost someone close recently. I tried to calm her and managed to get her to drink some water and some of the beef tea to which I added a sedative. She needs total rest.

Holmes had removed himself before she woke, keeping the door to his room open, having asked me to only enquire as to her name and if there was anyone to contact. I think he expected her to react to the enquiry, as once she was asleep again he came breezing back into the sitting room and offered to watch over her while she slept saying he had some analysis to do.

I have two of Dr Roberts patients to visit today, along with the good Doctor himself so will update my diary again later.

*Biographers note - The surname of the woman has been changed to maintain her anonymity I have chosen a surname which was popular in both Victorian and modern Britain - Hence Miss SMITH. The woman's first name and other details have not been changed.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

1st October 1881..


New Case from Lestrade - Mrs Charlotte Simpson (Nee Mortimer) - Believed murdered by Husband, Mr Johnathan Simpson.

Lestrade has the husband in custody though has his doubts - Scene of Mrs Simpson's death inconclusive. Presence of blood splatters - Arterial spray - NOT ENOUGH BLOOD.
Sign of two persons having left - one carrying something or someone - most evidence washed away by recent rain. Really not at ease with this being described as a Murder though. Request made to Lestrade to keep me abreast of any developments.


The woman keeps stirring - delirious - JAMIE......HOLMES......DR. WATSON.....HE'S ALIVE.....HE'S REAL.

The only words she's said. Who is she talking about and WHO is Jamie?

Finally, she seems to have calmed (4 am). Temperature rose every time she became agitated. Two possibilities - Temperature rise causes Agitation or Agitation causes Temperature rise.

Must get her belongings from Mrs. Hudson. There may be some clues I've missed.


Maybe the wrong question -




Watson will be awake soon. Maybe then I can find some answers.

Monday 24 January 2011

1st October 1881

As I sit here to write, there is a young woman fighting for her life in the sitting room below. I hope Mr Holmes is doing the right thing in insisting Dr Watson treat her himself, she was so gravely ill before and would hate to think that if she dies this night it will be due to our actions, or rather inaction's. She is an odd woman, I almost thought she was a girl at first due to her skirts being so short. Immorally so in fact. Such an odd way of dressing. A black jacket which seemed to be more of a gentleman's jacket than anything a woman would wear, and that smock or I suppose dress. It reminds me of the romance style, old fashioned, but that short it did not reach her knees. Very plain, like her jacket. The oddest things are her boots, heavy things, with orange stitching and more of a mans style, plus her stockings which were long, almost like medieval hose. Black again, and very tight. I've never seen such a woman, and doubt I will again. I hope and pray that she regains her health and we can find out who she is and where she comes from.

Friday 21 January 2011

1st October 1881.

Today started promising but has turned disturbing. I spent the majority of the day looking in on Dr Robert's patients for him as he is still unable to return to his practise. I'll admit to enjoying having a chance to practise medicine and it beats being stuck at home while Holmes is having one of his quiet patches. Though he did pick up a little at breakfast when he received a note from Lestrade about the Murder of Mrs Charlotte Simpson. He left the house before me and returned at some point during the day. I've not found out what Lestrade wanted yet as I had only just removed my coat which is sodden from the rain we've had all day when Mrs Hudson called for me to 'come quick'. Having spoken with her since it seems my new patient looked 'Wet through and odd' and was 'not hysterical' when Mrs Hudson first opened the door. It seems that the woman asked if she was Mrs Hudson, and on hearing the response 'went white as a sheet'. The woman also asked if this was the residence of Myself and Holmes. Mrs Hudson said she noticed the woman had no colour and looked like she would collapse at any moment. She confirmed that it was our home and called up to me. She said the woman 'stumbled as she turned to look at the street' and 'went down quite suddenly'. At this point I must have been almost at the top of the stairs to find out what Mrs Watson wanted and heard her shriek and dashed down. The woman had collapsed cutting her head quite severely on the right side and was disorientated. I called for Holmes and she turned towards the stairs, the light coming from inside probably. I don't think she heard me talking to her, nor even realised she was being held. She lost consciousness moments afterwards. That would have been at about seven thirty. She has yet to regain consciousness, Holmes has insisted I treat her rather than send her to a hospital as he feels she is in the greatest mortal danger. She certainly was earlier. Her temperature rose severely after the blow to her head, leading me to arranging a cold water bath. She is now resting on the sofa having been changed by Mrs Hudson, who is acting as a nurse, into a spare gown the woman's own clothes covered in blood and wet from the rain and immersion in the cool water. She had a seizure while in the bath, probably due to the temperature, though at the time I was worried that it was due to disease or brain damage. I seriously expected us to have to call for Lestrade to inform him of a unknown death. Her temperature has lowered and if anything is slightly too low now, but she is wrapped up well and a fire has been lit to ensure she does not deteriorate. It is this quick drop in temperature which makes me think her fever was something to do with the head injury and not some infection. The cut has been stitched and dressed and will hopefully heal without too much scarring though I feel she will have a substantial black eye. Holmes has agreed to watch over during the night as I am exhausted after the initial treatment. He is under strict instructions to wake me if she comes round, and if there is any sign of her deterioration. I prey that she pulls through. She is such an enigma, and we don't even know her name.

Why this blog?

In 2009, after the death of my mother, I had the sad job of clearing some of the things from my parents house. It was the first time in my life I had entered the attic of the home I'd spent so many years in - including renting it and living it it myself with my partner for three years. In the attic, I found a collection of diaries and papers hidden behind wood boarding behind an old water tank which had long been unused (since 1981 at least as my dad confirmed he had not had it disconnected since my parents brought the place). The boards had slipped over the years revealing a locked travelling chest. This caught my attention and my dad agreed to me taking it. It took me two days to pick the lock, not an easy job, but I had no desire to break the chest as it is quite beautiful in it's own way. It dates to Victorian times in style ( I've worked in the antiques trade for over 10 years in the past and have a good idea of what old things are). I believe I may be able to replace the lock with a new one so I can use the chest myself if I decide to store the papers elsewhere. We'll have to see, though I am inclined to think the papers should remain in the chest as it has been the home for many since they were written.
Anyhow, back to my explanation of this blogs existence. I have spent the last 18 months reading through the documents and cross checking some facts (delays in blogging may be due to my fact finding taking an even deeper level of fact checking). I've also had the age of the papers confirmed by scientific analysis, due to the material on them. The reason for this action will become apparent soon, as their contents if true; I am still trying to verify them, are world altering in more ways than I can imagine. In fact, trying to write that sentence, to put into words how I feel about these papers is exceptionally hard to explain, other than shocked, awed and also afraid of what they mean. I feel I have not done them justice in trying to explain and should leave you to decide for yourselves.
It is the contents of the chest which I aim to publish here alongside comments of my own as to the authenticity of the documents. It may take me a while to do this as they are extensive and I hope that I do right by the authors.