Thursday 27 January 2011

2nd October 1881 - Morning

We now have a name for my unknown patient - Miss Victoria Smith*.

According to Holmes, Miss Smith settled into an even pace of breathing, heart rate and temperature during the night (about 4am) after periods of agitation. Miss Smith was in a similar condition when I woke though soon showed some signs of waking. As such, I arranged some beef tea and warm water for her to sip at being reluctant to over encumber her system. She woke at half nine and although extremely weak she was able to tell me her name. I also asked if she had anyone we could contact for her, someone who would be eager to hear that she was well. It was at this point her health started to deteriorate again, pulse rising, shortness of breath and increase of temperature. She answered that she is 'totally alone in this world' that there was no-one. During the night she had mentioned someone called Jamie, I asked her who he was and she went white as she had the previous night. Luckily, she was still laid up on the sofa, wrapped in blankets and shawls otherwise I fear she would have fell again. She said ' lost to me.' It is my belief that she has lost someone close recently. I tried to calm her and managed to get her to drink some water and some of the beef tea to which I added a sedative. She needs total rest.

Holmes had removed himself before she woke, keeping the door to his room open, having asked me to only enquire as to her name and if there was anyone to contact. I think he expected her to react to the enquiry, as once she was asleep again he came breezing back into the sitting room and offered to watch over her while she slept saying he had some analysis to do.

I have two of Dr Roberts patients to visit today, along with the good Doctor himself so will update my diary again later.

*Biographers note - The surname of the woman has been changed to maintain her anonymity I have chosen a surname which was popular in both Victorian and modern Britain - Hence Miss SMITH. The woman's first name and other details have not been changed.

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