Friday 21 January 2011

Why this blog?

In 2009, after the death of my mother, I had the sad job of clearing some of the things from my parents house. It was the first time in my life I had entered the attic of the home I'd spent so many years in - including renting it and living it it myself with my partner for three years. In the attic, I found a collection of diaries and papers hidden behind wood boarding behind an old water tank which had long been unused (since 1981 at least as my dad confirmed he had not had it disconnected since my parents brought the place). The boards had slipped over the years revealing a locked travelling chest. This caught my attention and my dad agreed to me taking it. It took me two days to pick the lock, not an easy job, but I had no desire to break the chest as it is quite beautiful in it's own way. It dates to Victorian times in style ( I've worked in the antiques trade for over 10 years in the past and have a good idea of what old things are). I believe I may be able to replace the lock with a new one so I can use the chest myself if I decide to store the papers elsewhere. We'll have to see, though I am inclined to think the papers should remain in the chest as it has been the home for many since they were written.
Anyhow, back to my explanation of this blogs existence. I have spent the last 18 months reading through the documents and cross checking some facts (delays in blogging may be due to my fact finding taking an even deeper level of fact checking). I've also had the age of the papers confirmed by scientific analysis, due to the material on them. The reason for this action will become apparent soon, as their contents if true; I am still trying to verify them, are world altering in more ways than I can imagine. In fact, trying to write that sentence, to put into words how I feel about these papers is exceptionally hard to explain, other than shocked, awed and also afraid of what they mean. I feel I have not done them justice in trying to explain and should leave you to decide for yourselves.
It is the contents of the chest which I aim to publish here alongside comments of my own as to the authenticity of the documents. It may take me a while to do this as they are extensive and I hope that I do right by the authors.

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